Reina del Chords

AI is crazy, right?! This is what it thinks Reina looks like.

Dear Reina Nation,

Wouldn't it be fantastic if all the Reina del Cid classics you know and love were all notated with chords and all in one place? Duh, of course it would!


So just for you, this site has compiled lyrics, cover links, and song chords (with PDF chord sheets) for just about every Reina classic out there, so go ahead! Start playing them in the comfort of your own room! 


If you happen by any chords you think should be on the website, email them to ASAP!  We'll review them and put the most useful info on the site. Also, email if you find/made any covers we missed and/or you just want to say Hi!


Chordially yours,


   ~Rey del Acorde